Trademark name search is one the most important step in trademark registration, trademark objection or in checking trademark status. May be you are here for registering your brand name or your trademark status objected or just checking for trademark status. You need a good approach for searching a name at online trademark search. We professionally search for your trademark with more accuracy and provide you the information that you needed for your brand. There are many trademarks in India that are objected the main reason being is poor trademark search.
When you start your own brand and work hard upon it, you also want a distinct identity for it. A distinct identity can make your brand more catchy and memorable to your customers and to get such identity, you need to do Trademark Registration.
A Trademark is any symbol, slogan, phrase, word, name, etc. that you use for your own brand. A Trademark distinguishes your goods and services from the others. Getting a trademark registered means getting or enjoying sole ownership of the goods and services as well as all the rights it provides. You can also start using ™ Symbol after the application for Trademark Registration is made to ensure the use of Trademark.
Well, by registering a trademark, you, the owner can enjoy a lot of the rights on short as well as long term basis.
We help you with conducting a search for the trademark. We make sure that the brand name or logo that you have selected for your brand has not been registered already. In case it is registered under someone else’s name, we help you choose or modify the name and logo so that your identity remains the same with a modified version of the brand name. And in case the trademark that you want to use is not yet registered then we make sure you get its complete ownership by registering the trademark under your name.
For registering the Trademark, you have to apply for the right Class under which you can register your brand name. The thing is, there are total 45 different Classes under which goods and services are classified by the Trademark Registry and while applying for the registration, you must choose a class under which the trademark gives you the right to sell your goods and services. We help you choose that particular class under which you have to register so that you don’t get confused and choose a wrong one.
First we prepare an Authorization Letter which lets us apply for the Trademark Registration on your behalf. After you approve the authorization and sign it then we start the procedure by collecting and preparing your documents for the registration and you also get timely updates until the process of trademark registration is completed.